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Acoustic Pipe Inspection

Blockage & Conveyance Assessment at a Minimal Cost

Assessing the condition of the entire collection system to reduce blockages can be expensive and time consuming. 

Acoustic pipeline inspections provide a faster way to identify blockages and cost effectively assess a greater portion of the collection system in less time.  This is crucial in preventing sewer backups and minimizing potential damage allowing for timely intervention before issues escalates. Acoustic inspections also help in optimizing resource allocation by directing maintenance efforts to areas where they are most needed. This ensures that resources such as time, labor, and equipment are utilized efficiently.

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Acoustic Inspection: Blockage & Conveyance Assessment at a Minimal Cost 

Rapid Sewer Line Assessment

Duke’s uses a pipeline assessment tool leveraging acoustic technology to identify blockage and capacity issues in gravity sewers within minutes at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. This quick tool allows for up to 10,000 ft per day of cost-effective system evaluation. The transmitter (TX) sits on top of adjacent manholes, transmitting a sound wave through the sewer line to the receiver (RX). Additionally, each component is equipped with GPS and the ability to communicate between the TX and RX via RF – thus providing your organization with world class data labeling, data registration, and test validation capabilities.

Duke's Insight 360

Duke’s Insight 360 is an intuitive online platform for summarizing and analyzing the inspection data. With the click of a button, users can easily access:

  • Interactive Map
  • Interactive Results Table
  • Printable GIS based Maps
  • Summary Report (PDF format) 

Users can quickly identify problem areas and view data from anywhere with an internet connection, providing maps, tables, reports upon project completion for efficient management of sewer collection systems.

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Pipe segments identified as BLOCKED or POOR should be considered very high-priority areas for further inspection. Recommended follow-up steps would include CCTV to determine if the low scores are a result of a blockage requiring pipe cleaning or because of a structural defect potentially requiring future pipe rehabilitation.