Root control is not just a necessity for maintaining sewer systems; it is a strategic investment that delivers measurable returns on investment (ROI) for municipalities and agencies. By adopting a preventative root control program, municipalities can significantly reduce costs, extend the life of their infrastructure, and achieve sustainable service levels.
When optimizing sewer and wastewater treatment systems, it can be overwhelming to look at more than 100 miles of sewer pipe funneling heavy flow during a rain event and wonder where that excess flow is coming from.
“When somebody hands you a heat map and says, ‘these red pipes are taking on water,’ it really makes it easy to go out and determine where you need to spend your money for upgrading the system,” said David Henson, environmental quality superintendent for the Anniston Waterworks and Sewer Board in Anniston, Alabama. “The value of knowing where to look, it’s like having a crystal ball.”
Comvest Partners (“Comvest”), an operationally-focused middle-market private investment firm, is pleased to announce that Duke’s Root Control, Inc. (“Duke’s”), has acquired Underground Infrastructure Services (“UIS”), of Livonia, Mich. Duke’s, a national provider of wastewater and gas-focused inspection, diagnostics, and remediation services, is a platform investment in Comvest’s private equity portfolio.
UIS provides inspection and replacement services for underground utilities in the water, gas, cable, and electrical markets. With a dedicated fleet, expert operating technicians and state-of-the-art hydro excavation and drilling equipment, UIS has also built a specialty in the inspection and remediation of lead service lines through its ability to excavate in tight, sensitive areas using non-mechanical and non-destructive drilling methods.
UIS is Duke’s fifth acquisition in the last five years and takes the municipal wastewater management services leader into attractive adjacent markets such as clean drinking water delivery, an area of increased federal and state focus as a result of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law of 2021.
Maintaining a sewer system is an ongoing and challenging task for any municipality, and Oklahoma City (OKC) is no exception.
The City’s sewer system is comprised of more than 3,100 miles of pipe designed to carry wastewater from homes and businesses to treatment plants. One of the leading causes of sewer overflows in our nation’s aging infrastructure is tree root intrusion — tree roots account for a large percentage of all sewer backups in our country’s collection systems.
Comvest Partners (“Comvest”), an operationally-focused middle-market private investment firm, is pleased to announce that Duke’s Root Control, Inc. (“Duke’s” or the “Company”) has acquired Pipetek Infrastructure Services (“Pipetek”). Duke’s, a leading national provider of wastewater-focused inspection, diagnostics, and remediation services for municipal customers, is a platform company in Comvest’s private equity portfolio.
Pipetek marks Duke’s fourth acquisition in the last five years. Pipetek provides evaluation services to sewer and gas markets throughout the Midwest, specializing in pipeline inspection, assessment, maintenance, and repair services. Pipetek will operate as a subsidiary of Duke’s from its headquarters in Plymouth, Mich.
Comvest Partners (“Comvest”), an operationally focused middle-market private investment firm, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Duke’s Root Control, Inc. (“Duke’s”, or “the Company”). Duke’s, based in Elgin, Ill., provides wastewater-focused inspection, diagnostics, and remediation services to municipal customers. With the transaction, a carve-out from Douglas Products and Packaging Company, LLC, in partnership with management, Duke’s becomes the second infrastructure services platform to join Comvest’s private equity portfolio this year.
Yesterday, Duke’s Root Control Inc., a national sewer service provider, yesterday announced that it had acquired Hydrostructures, P.A., a regional sewer service provider in the Mid-Atlantic region with offices in N.C., S.C. and Va.
This acquisition will expand Duke’s service offerings, adding new capabilities and broadening its regional presence.